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Elephants Without Borders

Some rangers and wildlife lovers consider the elephant as the real king of the bush, the most powerful, intelligent and beautiful wild animal in Africa. Unfortunately, elephants are endangered by human actions as their habits and migration natural routes are being disturbed and even destroyed year after year. Elephant herds follow a determined migration route across various countries, crossing political borders to ensure their survival.

At Africa Uncovered we admire the hard-work done by the non-profit organisation Elephants without Borders to study, track and survey elephant herds across Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The team of experts, supporters and volunteers are based in Botswana. Botswana is the African country that contains the biggest number of elephants. Elephants without borders was created when Mike Chase received his PHD and decided to continue his task studying and preserving the survival of the African Elephant.

Please, check the link below to learn more about the fascinating EWB projects and tasks and how they complete their surveys. Also, take some time to discover how important these precious studies can be to the local governments and why. Also feel free to contribute to the conservation of these fascinating animals by sending a donation on-line.

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